Wasp - framed and gold


This hand-made piece of art is one-of-a-kind. It hangs easily from a gold-plated hook (hypoallergenic). Measuring roughly 1.5 inches long, it fits most ears without hitting shoulders. Because it is framed, it also does not catch or hold onto hair. Don’t forget to select the type of ear attachment and color you would like.

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This hand-made piece of art is one-of-a-kind. It hangs easily from a gold-plated hook (hypoallergenic). Measuring roughly 1.5 inches long, it fits most ears without hitting shoulders. Because it is framed, it also does not catch or hold onto hair. Don’t forget to select the type of ear attachment and color you would like.

This hand-made piece of art is one-of-a-kind. It hangs easily from a gold-plated hook (hypoallergenic). Measuring roughly 1.5 inches long, it fits most ears without hitting shoulders. Because it is framed, it also does not catch or hold onto hair. Don’t forget to select the type of ear attachment and color you would like.